In Memory

Cecil Smart

Cecil Johnson Smort
Cecil Johnson Smort, 55, possed
owoy _p-eo.ifully in his home on Moy
6, 2002 ofter o short, voliont bottli:
with concer.
He wos born November I 9, 1946 in
Solt Loke City, Utoh to Cecil Livinqston
ond Juonito Lee Johnson Smcit.
Cec morried his sweetheort, Kothleen
Morie Smith, on August 28, 1982 in
Solt Loke Citv. A qroduote of Olvmpus
High Schirol, c'ioss of I 965, Cec
wos interested in soiling, tennis, outo
rocing, ond living life to the fullest.
He wos the greotest son, fother, husbond,
mentor, ond friend, onyone
could hope to know. His crowninq
ochievement wos Emily - "Bod to ihe
Bone". He wos on ociive member of
the llluminoting Engineering Society of
North Americo, receiving the I 998
Internotionol llluminotion Desiqn
Aword of Merit for his desion of the
Egyption Remodel in Pork Cit!.
He is survived by his wife, Kothleen Morie; doughter, Emily Morie;
mother, Juonito Lee; brother, Leonord
Eorl Smort; sisters, Noncy Lee White,
oll of Solt Loke City ond Shori Lynn
(John) MoJon, of Andqlusio, lllinois;
ond o mon's best f riend, Bufch.
Fomily ond friends ore invited to o
foreweil reception in Cec's honor on
Thursdoy, Moy 9, 2QA2 from 6:00 -
B'00 p.rir. ot Neil O'Donnell ond Sons
Mortuory, 372 Eost I 00 South. In lieu of f lowers, pleose send contributions
to your fovorite chority-